30 de marzo de 2013

Escrache Musical: El Padrino

El 4 de febrero de 2013 el presidente de Gobierno español, Mariano Rajoy, viajó a Berlín para reunirse con Angela Merkel. Un grupo de españoles emigrados a Berlín, vinculados al 15M y al colectivo Berlunes, se dispusieron a recibirlo con un ‘escrache musical’ frente al edificio de la cancillería junto a la Puerta de Brandeburgo. Pero la situación no se produjo como estaba prevista.

Decididos a que su ‘escrache musical’ fuera escuchado, el colectivo Berlunes reunió a 20 músicos el 22 de marzo (2013) en el parque de Tiergarten, frente a la embajada española en Berlín, para interpretar una versión sinfónica de la melodía de El Padrino. Fuente El diario

El término ESCRACHE fue empleado en las manifestaciones que se convocaban en las casas de las personas que habían apoyado la dictadura argentina.


Desde el pasado mes de marzo (2013), son promovidos en España como una nueva forma de protesta de la Plataforma de Afectados por la Hipoteca (PAH). El objetivo de los escraches es informar a los diputados españoles que se muestran contrarios a la dación en pago, de las consecuencias dramáticas que tendría su negativa a apoyar la Iniciativa Legislativa Popular (ILP) que se debatirá próximamente en el Congreso.

12 de marzo de 2013

Campaña DGT: Primera Ley de Newton

Primera Ley de Newton.- Si sobre un cuerpo no actúa fuerza alguna, éste tiende a mantener su estado de reposo o movimiento. ¿Qué lo detendrá?...El parabrisas, un árbol. 

Leyes de Newton 

10 de marzo de 2013

Las Nuevas Matemáticas

New Math  
New Math 
Some of you who have small children may have perhaps been put in the embarrassing position of being unable to do your child's arithmetic homework because of the current revolution in mathematics teaching known as the New Math. So as a public service here tonight, I thought I would offer a brief lesson in the New Math. Tonight, we're gonna cover subtraction. This is the first room I've worked for a while that didn't have a blackboard, so we will have to make do with more primitive visual aids, as they say in the ed biz. Consider the following subtraction problem, which I will put up here: 342 minus 173. Now, remember how we used to do that: But in the new approach, as you know, the important thing is to understand what you're doing, rather than to get the right answer. Here's how they do it now:
Lyrics and Music 
You can't take three from two, 
Two is less than three, 
So you look at the four in the tens place. 
Now that's really four tens 
So you make it three tens, 
Regroup, and you change a ten to ten ones, 
And you add 'em to the two and get twelve, 
And you take away three, that's nine. 
Is that clear?
Now instead of four in the tens place 
You've got three, 
'Cause you added one, 
That is to say, ten, to the two, 
But you can't take seven from three, 
So you look in the hundreds place.
From the three you then use one 
To make ten ones... 
(And you know why four plus minus one 
Plus ten is fourteen minus one? 
'Cause addition is commutative, right!)... 
And so you've got thirteen tens 
And you take away seven, 
And that leaves five...
Well, six actually... 
But the idea is the important thing!
Now go back to the hundreds place, 
You're left with two, 
And you take away one from two, 
And that leaves...?
Everybody get one? 
Not bad for the first day!
Hooray for New Math, 
New-hoo-hoo Math, 
It won't do you a bit of good to review math. 
It's so simple, 
So very simple, 
That only a child can do it!
Now, that actually is not the answer that I had in mind, because the 
book that I got this problem out of wants you to do it in base 
eight.  But don't panic!  Base eight is just like base ten really - 
if you're missing two fingers!  Shall we have a go at it? 
Hang on...
You can't take three from two, 
Two is less than three, 
So you look at the four in the eights place. 
Now that's really four eights, 
So you make it three eights, 
Regroup, and you change an eight to eight ones 
And you add 'em to the two, 
And you get one-two base eight, 
Which is ten base ten, 
And you take away three, that's seven. 
Now instead of four in the eights place 
You've got three, 
'Cause you added one, 
That is to say, eight, to the two, 
But you can't take seven from three, 
So you look at the sixty-fours...
Sixty-four?  "How did sixty-four get into it?"  I hear you cry! 
Well, sixty-four is eight squared, don't you see?  (Well, ya ask a 
silly question, ya get a silly answer!)
From the three, you then use one 
To make eight ones, 
You add those ones to the three, 
And you get one-three base eight, 
Or, in other words, 
In base ten you have eleven, 
And you take away seven, 
And seven from eleven is four! 
Now go back to the sixty-fours, 
You're left with two, 
And you take away one from two, 
And that leaves...?
Now, let's not always see the same hands! 
One, that's right. 
Whoever got one can stay after the show and clean the erasers.
Hooray for New Math, 
New-hoo-hoo Math! 
It won't do you a bit of good to review math. 
It's so simple, 
So very simple, 
That only a child can do it!
Come back tomorrow night...we're gonna do fractions! 
Fuente http://curvebank.calstatela.edu/newmath/newmath.htm

MUSE - Montaje Escenario "THE 2ND LAW" Tour

TIME-LAPSE filmado en el Manchester Arena (1 de noviembre de 2012): 50 operarios en dos horas realizan el trabajo de montar el escenario que MUSE utiliza en su gira 2012/2013, presentando su nuevo álbum  "THE 2ND LAW".
Música vídeo: SUPREMACY
MUSE BLOG http://abelgaloismuse.blogspot.com.es/
TOUR 2012
TOUR 2013

9 de marzo de 2013


Cometa  L4 PANSTARRS  - Mount Dale, Western Australia. 

 El cometa L4 Panstarrs podrá ser observado a simple vista en el hemisferio Norte, desde el 12 al 24 de marzo,  tras ser avistado, en exclusiva por los aficionados a la astronomía, en el hemisferio Sur. 

En su trayectoria por el Sistema Solar Interior se verá como un punto luminoso con una difusa cola.

Cometa  L4 PANSTARRS  -  Luces en el horizonte de la ciudad Armadale- Mount Dale, Western Australia. 

Comet PANSTARRS Rises to the Occasion Mid-March (NASA)


15 de febrero 2013: Asteroide 2012 DA14

AsTeRoiDeS CoMeTaS MeTeoRiToS
