Technical Achievement Awards (Academy Certificate):.Beverly Hills, CA — The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences today announced 10 winners of Scientific and Technical Academy Awards, which will be presented at The Beverly Wilshire on Saturday, February 9, 2008.
To Victor Gonzalez, Ignacio Vargas and Angel Tena for the creation of the RealFlow software application. RealFlow was the first widely adopted, commercially available, easy-to-use system for the simulation of realistic liquids in motion picture visual effects.

REAL FLOW, Rendering Tookit: Next Limit Technologies is proud to announce a new toolkit for shading RealFlow™particles in large quantities through RenderMan™ renderers. These tools solve the problem of shading particles using two different approaches. The first approach is focused on generating procedural geometry at render time, and the second approach is a ray-marching technique that samples an implicit volumetric representation of the fluid through Level Set methods.
Actualización 12/2/2008, The Awards Ceremony :
6 comentarios:
Oh Dear, this is awesome.
Certainly the best flow animation ever…..its a big dio for the visual effects business having people from Spain generating such a powerful technology shifting totally the eyes of the world in a new direction for answers to their ideas. (Let’s Rock this Place)
Just take a look at the movie “The Perfect Storm” this movie will keep you on the edge of your seats (specially if you love boating), and it was totally generated in Real Flow Technology……Thanks to Victor Gonzalez, Ignacio Vargas and Angel Tena
Best regards,
Corpus Christi, TX
Nieves, ya te veo yo estudiando Inglés!!!!!
Querido anónimo (¿nos conocemos?) qué razón tienes...mientras tanto uso :), además leyendo la traducción te pasas unas risas que no hay humorista que lo supere.
por ejemplo"Let’s Rock this Place = Oscilemos este lugar" ...Aún me estoy columpiando XXDD.
Un saludo
Marinieves, como no nos vamos a conocer...Claro, que como me tienes "mu abandonaíta" y no me pones comentarios en el blog de mi niña...y tampoco me das clase...
ups...eres lila ; es que lo de Nieves en vez de Marinieves me despistó :).
Ya sabia que harías ese tipo de traducción que ocasionaría un irresistible Flip-Out o lo que es lo mismo te flipó!
Let’s Rock this Place es un silogismo que viene de una expresión ya muy antigua en Norte América “Let’s Rock This Joint” (sacudamos este antro) que refleja un alto grado de “intensidad” la podrás recordar mas recientemente en la película Mask…
I hope you like music, Enjoy.
Happy Valentines Day Nieves…XO
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