8 de julio de 2013


2013 SAN FRANCISCO by Simon Christen

2010 SAN FRANCISCO by Simon Christen


 2009 SAN FRANCISCO by Simon Christen

_____ SAN FRANCISCO ____Making of_____

Fuente https://vimeo.com/simonchristen


Queensland Astrofest Skyscape 2010
SINGAPORE Time-Lapse: The Lion City
California / Arizona [Time Lapse]
MUSE - Montaje Escenario "THE 2ND LAW" Tour
MAR de nubes
Obelisco de Santiago Calatrava [timelapse]
Galicia ORTEGAL TimeLapse
Madrid 2008 [timelapse]
Caldevilla: "TimeLapser" gallego
Noche en Blanco en Madrid [timelapse]
Flotando Madrid
Lily [TimeLapse]
Noisy Seaside - Timelapse - Grand Prix 2010- Monaco
Autumn [A short timelapse film]
Arctic Ocean peregrination [TimeLapse]
54 Russian Antarctic Expedition
Timelapses & Nightscapes at the Costa Blanca
Spain Timelapses Series
Ground Zero Timelapse [2010-2011]
Hyper-lapse at the Racetrack (Death Valley)

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